Making A Difference

Do you ever wonder if you’re making a difference?

JA members often spend countless hours on service projects and frequently don’t have the opportunity to see the outcome or to understand the depth of love and care that our volunteering provides. Be assured that you do make a difference.

Recently the following story was shared with us by a thankful grandmother.

Just before Christmas, my young granddaughter went to the Branson Cox Hospital emergency room with a very serious condition.  She spent an entire day at the hospital as they helped her to get through the ordeal.  It was a painful and traumatic experience for her and for my son and daughter-in-law.  Treatment was successful, and she recovered quickly.

The next day I went by their house to see her and to check on everyone.  She was her usual bouncy self again.  I noticed that she was hugging a cute new fuzzy teddy bear.  Her mom said that the hospital nurse had given her the bear.  I knew immediately who the giver was, and told my granddaughter that a special group of women had brought her the bear and many others like it to give away to sick children at the hospital. 

Her smile was radiant as she hugged her bear, which had not left her arms in 2 days!  Her Mom said that little bear had helped her through some very difficult hours, and she had only set it aside to take a bath!

Thank you, JA members, for the love and comfort you deliver in each little “Critter”!

Service hours are often thankless, but this story is just one example that shows your work is not in vain!