Support JATC

Does it pay to support the efforts of Junior Auxiliary of Taney County?  Just ask Miah Norman and her amazing family!  They did just that and won the right to Grocery Grab at Harter House Hollister!

Paul Norman won the shopping spree and asked for a designated shopper and chose his daughter, Miah.  Miah went on an AMAZING run and in 3 minutes flat piled her cart with just over $1000 in groceries ($1,004.41 to be exact)!  At the request of her dad, she picked up several turkeys.  When asked how many turkey dinners he was going to have, Paul replied “I’m giving the turkeys to my guys at work for Thanksgiving.”  Paul was proud of his daughter for her efforts and stated “I know she will always remember this.”

Other winners of the Grocery Grab were 2nd place $100 gift card, Rachel Goeke, of Republic, MO and 3rd place $50 gift card, Barbara Fleming of Hollister, MO.

Josh Grisham did a Facebook Live feed for us on radio station KOMC, My 100.1.  You can view Miah’s Grocery Grab run on their Facebook page or on Junior Auxiliary of Taney County’s Facebook page.

Junior Auxiliary of Taney County would like to thank everyone who purchased tickets to support us, Harter House Hollister for allowing us this opportunity, and Doug Baker State Farm for sponsoring this event.   Bobbie Wydeen, Finance Chair for JATC, said “We do these fun fundraisers so we can raise money for projects that enhance the lives of children in Taney County.” 

Watch for our next big project on Saturday, December 9, 2023, from 9 a.m. to noon.  We’ll be holding Santa’s Gift House at the Tri-Lakes News Community Room, a new location for this year, but it will still have lots of gifts for kids in Pre-K through 4th grade to purchase at 50 cents each, up to 4 gifts per child. The kids will do their shopping with the help of JATC Elves.  No parents allowed in the shopping area, but parents are invited to enjoy snacks while you’re waiting for your child to finish shopping.  Santa will be there and a couple special guests, as well.