Pandemic 2020

In efforts to combat the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), Junior Auxiliary of Taney County is following the recommendation of the CDC, Governor Parson, and local health officials to not only postpone our Trivia 2020, but to also suspend many Chapter activities through at least the month of April.  During these surreal times, the safety of our members and all others in our community is our top priority. 

If we all pull together, we will survive this pandemic and come out better for it.  I am classified in the high-risk category for the virus, and have chosen to self-isolate myself at my doctor’s advice.  I’ve already done lots of cleaning out and just general cleaning around the house.  My appointments have been held via FaceTime.  I am fortunate to live in a house with a very large yard so I am able to take walks and work in my gardens (when the rain doesn’t make it a swamp).  I’ve done more cooking in the last 2 weeks than in the previous 5 years.  I’ve had offers of help from numerous friends and family.  One of my JA friends just delivered milk to my door and wouldn’t let me pay her for it. 

I’ve also been able to work on things for JATC that don’t require getting out such as writing this journal entry, writing an article for the Fall NAJA Crownlet, and selling Raffle tickets that were part of our Trivia Night Fundraising effort.  One friend purchased a raffle ticket from me and sent her money wrapped in toilet paper with a note that said to make sure the toilet paper was not disposed of before it was used.  A sense of humor will do wonders for all of us.

Hopefully, this will all pass soon, and Junior Auxiliary of Taney County members will be back helping children in Taney County with all kinds of needs—from food to books to healthy living to social skills to emotional support.  In the meantime, do what you can to help others less fortunate without endangering yourself.

JATC and I both thank you for your continued support and don’t forget to wash your hands!