A Message from your President

Wow, what a ride this year has been already!  Taking on serving as President of JATC is something that I an glad I willingly agreed to do.  I know that this year will be filled with lots of fun, and new friendships and growth for our chapter.

Unfortunately, I didn't know we would be dealing with COVID-19 when I agreed to do this!  So, no AEC to get more training and possibly talk with some folks about the role I was about to step into.  NAJA did provide some really good virtual training, though.  Very interesting 2 1/2 hour NAJA business meeting.  Bylaws that don't allow for electronic meetings (although I think I have this one figured out thanks to Renee and Darlene).  New criteria for just about everything - and the criteria changes daily, sometimes even hourly.  Some people prefer not to wear a mask (ok, that just changed because Branson passed a mask ordinance); some people prefer everyone wear a mask (this was before the mask ordinance...it is a moot point now); some people only want to meet in-person; some people only want to meet online; some people say they won't attend online meetings.  I think you get the picture.  

We are in very challenging times, and there is no one solution that everyone will agree with or want to accept.  So, I would like to suggest that we all take a deep breath and think about the impact that kindness can have...and make a commitment to be OK with compromise.  We will do what we can in-person, we will hold some meetings online, we will adjust our projects...and we will get through this.

JATC is a great chapter and I know that we all want everyone to come out of this safe, happy and healthy.  That may seem like a big task right now - but we can help each other make that happen.  I am looking forward to a wonderful year and I know we can do this.