Let's Get Creative

Junior Auxiliary of Taney County is facing many of the same challenges that businesses are facing because of the COVID-19 Pandemic. We haven’t been able to meet person to person, many of our service projects have been canceled or revised, and our major fundraising project has just been postponed once again to April or May of 2021.

So, what exactly are we doing?

Scholarship and ScholarCare Awards were still given out and ladies are sending out care packages to 3 outstanding ScholarCare students each month.

Empowering the Little Dreamers at the Crisis Center started up again in August as soon as we had permission from management there. Children have been sparse but we’ve worked in other areas such as building shelves in the donation room.

School Supplies was revised to include a Fall delivery as well as the January delivery because we saw the need of many families. We also added bags of cleaning supplies (Wipes, Kleenex, Lysol spray, paper towels, and hand sanitizer) for each individual teacher in Grades K-3 at Kirbyville, K-8 at Mark Twain, K-6 at Bradleyville, and K-6 at Taneyville. We’ll send out more supplies in January with gift cards for teachers.

Book Swap has permission from the motels to change out the collections and will begin as soon as we can get some of our collections from the school.

Santa’s Gift House is still scheduled for December 5, and many members have been working on gifts for the kids. The Branson United Methodist Church just gave us the go ahead to hold our event there again this year. There will be adjustments to this project such as no Santa, no craft table, and no homemade refreshments. We’re still thinking of things we can do to help make it an extra special day.

Tender Critters was put on hold for a few months, but the hospital asked us 3 weeks ago to start delivering the stuffed animals once again.

Halloween Grape Stomp is a “GO”! We have games and treat bags for the kids.

2 new projects have been approved—A Kindness Project and a Drive-by Food Collection for Salvation Army

Members are thinking about other ways to raise money since our Trivia event has been postponed.

So, in other words, we are still working and filling needs where we see them. It’s not a normal year, but you can be sure that JATC members still CARE about what is happening in our community and especially to our kids.

We invite you to contact us at jatcmo@gmail.com if you have comments on possible service for our members or ways that we can supplement our funds for our projects until our Trivia event can be held next April.

You could also help us by posting a review on the Greater NonProfits website. This site is seen by many and is a way for women to learn more about our organization and find out if they would be interested in becoming members. There’s also the possibility that a donor would see our page and want to help with our projects.

We also want to share our new slogan—”Caring Hearts, Helping Hands, Changing Lives!”